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Key Features:

  • Web Based SMS Software with Integrated Mobile app and Web Portal for MSO
  • Multiple Dashboard for MSO and LCOs
  • Module wise/ Operation wise User rights
  • Prepaid/ Postpaid subscriber management and Billing
  • Channel/ Bouquet Management
  • Complaint Management
  • Inventory Management
  • LCO Wallet Maintenance
  • Email/SMS Notifications
  • Audit/ TRAI/ Broadcaster Reports
  • CAS Actions like Finger printing / OSD/ ECM/ EMM
  • History & Audit Trail Facilities
  • Open to integrate with any Conditional Access System and Financial Systems
  • Meet compliances as per telecom regulatory Authority.

Gen21 SMS – Functional Details

1. Subscriber Management

  • Create / Edit Subscribers Details
  • Activation/ Deactivation/ Authorization/De authorization of Subscribers
  • Maintains STB Box and VC serial No. as per subscriber.
  • Subscriber Migration from One LCO to another LCO
  • Temporarily Subscriber Pause/ Resume Facility
  • Bulk Upload Data for subscribers/ Operators etc.
  • Hardware Replacement

2. Channel/ Bouquet Management

  • Channel Creation
  • Broadcaster Package Creation
  • MSO Package Creation
  • Multiple discounts for MSO/ LCO
  • Mapping with Multiple CASs
  • Drag/Drop Facility

3. Complain Management

  • Complain registration.
  • Complain assignment to technician on defined date and time.
  • Complain tracking by Subscriber from Mobile App
  • Cancel/ Re-schedule/ Escalation of Complain.
  • Daily summary for Assigned/ Resolved complaints

4. Inventory Management

  • Define new supplier / Dealer/ Warehouse details
  • Facility to receive new Goods/ Bulk import of STB/VC/CABLE etc.
  • Approve/Un-approve STB/VC.
  • Pair/Unpair/Blacklist Subscriber.
  • Whitelisting Process
  • STB/VC transfer from one LCO to another LCO
  • Create service plan based on customer request.
  • Refurbished Inventory

5. Payment & Billing Module

  • Prepaid/ Postpaid Billing
  • Generate and maintain invoices for Subscriber
  • MSO/LCO level Billing
  • Credit Note/ Debit Note
  • LCO/Subscriber Receipt entry
  • LCO/Subscriber ledger
  • Advance Recharge
  • Facility to generate billing based on various services like VOD, broadband etc.

6. MIS (Reporting)

  • Log Report
  • Monthly Subscription report (MSR)
  • Active/ Inactive Subscriber
  • Subscriber history report
  • LCO wise / Date wise Collection Report
  • Available/ Allocated Inventory Report
  • Daily Summary report
  • Upcoming deactivations
  • VC/ STB history Report
  • Subscriber Connection Report
  • SMS CAS Log

7. Admin Module
Through the admin module, the MSO creates the LCOs and assign the rights to them as per the requirement. The LCO can work as per the assigned module/features. The features are listed below:

  • User Creation
  • LCO Group Creation
  • LCO Creation
  • Rights Assignment to Users/ LCOs
  • Multiple Scheme Creation

8. CAS Actions

  • Conditional Fingerprint
  • OSD/ Conditional OSD
  • Mail/ Conditional Mail
  • ECM/ EMM

Gen21 SMS Interfaces

  • Provide seamless two-way integration with Conditional Access System
  • Experience integration with the leading finance systems like Oracle Finance, SAP, QuickBooks etc.
  • Integrated with the Mobile Apps for MSO/LCO/Subscribe
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