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Gen21 PayTV helps in efficient management of multi-channel subscriber services and increases subscriber value via on-demand services (VOD and NVOD) via broadband. Integration with conditional access and EPG systems is streamlined with Gen21 open architecture which includes a wide range of interfaces.  Advertising sales can also be integrated across channels and media properties.

Gen21 provides an enterprise-wide broadcast management solution for the PayTV operators, helping ensure proper rights management and monetization of assets. Gen21 manages the media information and workflow required for production, programming, promotion management, ad sales, traffic management and frame accurate transmission through the conditional access system in place.

Gen21 Ad placement service with integration to Ad-Insertion servers enables targeted services at regional, national or multi-operator levels. It also helps manage varied content offerings with strong support for managing rights and sophisticated VOD packages.

Gen21 PayTV is used by operators to automate and coordinate content acquisition, planning, scheduling, packaging, promotions and playout processes and helps improve profitability with its integrated, centralized business management infrastructure. This enables users throughout the organization to access the same metadata repository across various business processes and offers Cost Control, Revenue Analysis and Workflow Optimization.

√    Management of Subscriber, Programs, and Inventory

√    Efficient Deals and Voucher Management

√    Make different packages based on target audience

√    Enriched Multi-lingual and Multi Brand support

√    Support for multi-user and remote offices

√    Rich metadata Content integration with EPG for Video on Demand

√    Import detailed pre-entered programming schedules for the most popular networks.

√    Import sales automation software contracts electronically, directly into the system.

√    Two-way integration with Ad Insertion servers to upload ad schedule and downloads “as-run” data

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