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GEN21 Version 12 New Features

1. Web Availability

Now GEN21 Version 12 is available on browser. The current GEN21 Application you are using can run on browser with upgrade to GEN21 version 12. The users can access GEN21 application from anywhere now. The look and feel and functionality of your existing version will remain unchanged.

2. GEN21 Multi-platform Ad Management and Invoicing

GEN21 Multiplatform Ad management solution brings about effective administration of ad insertion to multiple ad platforms including linear broadcast, non-linear broadcast, online and other media platforms. The integrated solution for broadcast ad placement and online media digital advertising equips the publisher to centrally manage inventory and effectively monetize across platforms Combined invoices can be generated for all the Ad booking.

3. GEN21 Dynamic Metadata

Different program category requires different sets of metadata.  GEN21 Version 21 now manages dynamic metadata based on the program category / Genre.

4. GEN21 Dashboards

GEN21 Dashboard provides various user-friendly dashboards for operational users as well as managers or decision makers.

5. E-Invoicing and digital signature

GEN21 Version 12 provides facility to generate Invoices in a PDF format agency wise with digital signature. These invoices can be sent to relevant agencies as an attachment directly from GEN21. This would help in minimizing the invoice printing and sending invoices on timely manner.

6. QR Code Generation

GEN21 Version 12 provides facility to generate QR code for all invoices. After scanning QR code it shows the details about the invoice. This facility helps to track the genuine invoices by showing the invoice status and if the taxes related to invoices are paid to the government body or not.

7. Flexible taxation master

GEN21 Version 12 provides flexible tax master definition that caters to the requirement of taxation policies followed by the country. User can set the taxes and percentages that are required to be charged and GEN21 taxation module takes care of the calculations and generates tax invoices.

8. Spot Placement tool

Spot Placement Tool provides facility to filter the log based on agency, client, product etc. and place them in breaks in different programs without expanding the entire log. This helps user to see all programs at one time and just simply drag and drop the spots from one program / CB to other program /CB without scrolling the screen.

9. Auto versioning rule

GEN21 provides facility for auto versioning where user can pre-define the commercial version to be used on the date or period and based on that GEN21 can assign the version on given date /time period. This helps users to be more accurate in assigning Commercial version and optimize time and revenue.

10. ADO authentication

GEN21 Version 12 provides ADO authentication through integrates with you Active Directory. New user can login with their windows authentication into GEN21. So no need to maintain separate login for GEN21.

11. Alerts and Email Notification

GEN21 Version 12 provides various configurable alerts and notifications. Users can configure their own alerts based on the process flow. GEN21 Version 12 also provides for Email notifications for specific events and task through its email notification tool.

12. APIs’

GEN21 Version 12 has released APIs’ that will help integration with third party system. This would help IT users to develop integrations with other sub systems. With these APIs’ GEN21 will help to achieve tighter integration and work seamlessly with various systems.

GEN21 Automation Feature

GEN21 Version 12 provides various automation processes that would save a lot of time required by manual process and also provides accuracy in work.

  • Automatic Reconciliation

This process helps to reconcile the actual airing log against the planned by traffic automatically. GEN21 imports the as run log file through service as soon as the file is created and verifies the matching spots (primary as well as secondary), promos etc. This automation process brings the optimization of resources and time with respect to reducing the manual efforts to verify each and every spot that is aired and only unmatched spots or late order spots that needs to be verified. This would also bring in the accuracy and timeliness in verification and invoice generation.

  • Auto Promo Placement

This feature allows specific quantity of promos to be schedule at specific program and period. User can also place specific quantity of promos on hourly basis. This helps users to fill the break with program

  • Promo / Product Version Import

This feature allows user to import product / promo version from excel file. User can also import promo schedule from excel along with slots breaks etc. into the traffic module.

GEN21 Initiative and Growth

New Modules

GEN21 Sponsorship

GEN21 Sponsorship module enables to define sponsorship packages in terms on number of sponsors, co- sponsors. It has a facility to create high level budget / target for programing team with approval process. This module provides facility to define / estimate budget or target at different levels like high level, manager level for control and approval.

  • High level target definition and approval;
  • Linked to Schedule to recalculate target based on actual airing;
  • Allocation and maintenance of minimum rate for spots;
  • Price list template definition and maintenance;
  • Sponsorship matrix benefits template definition and maintenance;
  • Multiple / Alternative internal packages;
  • External Sponsorship package creation and maintenance;
  • Sponsorship package realization and compensation package;
  • Sponsorship package reports.

GEN21 Agency

GEN21 Agency is a CRM system to streamline communication, strengthen and automate as feasible, the workflow between the broadcasters and Agencies. GEN21 Agency Module provides an efficient solution for the data exchange needs between the agency and the broadcaster – and address the inefficiencies, delays and limitations of manual processes – for standard information. This would speedily provide Agencies with updated schedules on time; transmit their PO’s electronically; obtain the status of their PO’s at any time;  reduce the time involved in sending/ receiving the make good offers and approvals; reduce the number of late orders; reduce delay in reconciliations and invoicing to Clients with potential financial losses; etc. This system would reduce the broadcaster’s efforts and manual processing work; and provide for faster turnaround and monetization of inventory for better revenue optimization.

Benefits to Agency:

  • Get updated schedule;
  • Get information about the PO and spot status;
  • Get instant campaign detail;
  • Get instant log proof;
  • Get instant clearance report and mage good offer;
  • Get invoices as soon as generated by broadcaster;
  • Less mistakes while reconciling spots.

Benefits to Broadcasters:

  • Less or no typo error while inputting PO as PO will be imported into Gen21;
  • Timely make good offers. So less last minute changes;
  • Better and efficient communication.

GEN21 Digital Asset

GEN21 Digital Media helps broadcasters to digitize their assets. The Digital Media Manager is integrated with third party file QC systems to perform QC on the ingested material as well as Transcoding engines for format conversion. The Digital Media Manager handles physical media details and supports the digital workflow of broadcaster right from ingest, File QC, registering metadata details, Media blending, Media transcoding/conversion into desired format, preview, copy and store. GEN21 Digital has well defined secure workflow to access the content.

  • Supports complete digital workflow;
  • Facility to convert analog file into digital from VTR;
  • Facility to transcode the media into various formats;
  • Facility to ingest content on server in various formats after conversion;
  • Integration with file-based QC systems to check the digital file;
  • Preview ingested files proxy in low resolution;
  • Facility to view metadata like episode details, run information, rights information, synopsis etc;
  • Storage management for the ingested content;
  • Full integration with GEN21 Suite modules

GEN21 Mobile

GEN21 Mobile is an add on module to GEN21 application. With GEN21 mobile user can see the quick operational reports as well as dashboards. This also provides workflow for approval processes related to sales, marketing at your fingertips. GEN21 Mobile module provides dashboards for the management with bird eye view. This module is an extension to the GEN21 Dashboard and Reports.

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