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GEN21 provides API’s and integrates with other key subsystems in the Broadcast environment so as to provide a seamless user operation and avoid the need for double entries and manual data interchange. Major interfaces are as below :

Automation System Interface

  • Two-way interfacing (Final Log export/As run Log Import). Support various formats like xml, txt, lst etc
  • Provide seamless Play-list generation and Log Reconciliation for Billing
  • Real time integration with News Room automation system
  • Interface is available for all leading automation systems
  • Can provide BXF compliant log to automation
  • Supports primary (TC) as well as secondary (NTC) events

Accounting Interface

  • Posting of Accounts Receivable data to any legacy Finance/Accounting systems
  • Information to produce Spot Invoice, Tax Invoice & Credit Notes
  • Providing back-end Collection control
  • Agency Credit Limit tracking based on Outstanding from accounting system
  • Posting of Accounts Payable data for Program purchases

MAM interface

  • Share content metadata between GEN21 and MAM system via web service
  • Capture status of ingest and provide the list of the files or material required to be ingested to or deleted from system
  • Web service to import segmentation information directly from MAM into GEN21
  • Save time codes and share new time codes when there are content duration changes
  • Alerts on Ingestion status and content changes
  • All data interchange facilitated through standard XML based exchange formats

EPG interface

  • Upload schedule information from Channel Provider to GEN21
  • Export Schedule data from GEN21 as an input to EPG systems for PayTV/Cable operations
  • Provide configurable file formats for data exchange to manage differences among Satellite channels

Ad-Insertion system

  • Uploads ad schedule information from GEN21 to Ad Inserter
  • Downloads “as-run” data from external file provided by Ad inserter

On Air System

  • Export the full day Log with primary (TC) and secondary (NTC) events in XML format
  • Import as run log containing Primary and Secondary Events for WOI.

Graphics system

Graphics System provides user-definable templates for creation of Graphical/Text-based content that can be used as Primary/Secondary events in broadcasting. These templates are stored in Graphics server for reference and can be previewed using the APIs‟ provided by Graphics System. The content creation/preview for these Product Ads and Promotions can be done from GEN21 using Graphics templates.

  • Create primary and secondary events using GEN21 Interface for Graphics System.
  • Preview secondary events created using Graphics System.
  • Send secondary event playlist to Graphics System along with the template Id.
  • Send the X, Y, Z coordinates to place the graphics to Graphics System.
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