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GEN21 Multiplatform Ad management solution brings about effective administration of ad insertion to multiple ad platforms including linear broadcast, on-demand and online. The integrated solution for broadcast ad placement and online media digital advertising equips the publisher to centrally manage inventory and effectively monetize across platforms. GEN21 Ad management addresses the challenges faced by ad agencies and advertisers in managing campaigns across discrete and disparate platforms.

  • Multiplatform campaign execution
  • Aggregation of ad inventory
  • Multiple PO types, Packages and restrictions support
  • Built-in system-based placements and notifications
  • Sell to advertisers across platforms
  • Sell to advertisers across platforms
  • Integrated with Ad server for Online digital ads
  • Effective placement of Broadcast ads through seamless integration to broadcast systems
  • Targeted placement of online Ads
  • Centrally managed ad tracking and Reconciliation
  • Campaign Analytics
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Gen21 Multiplatform campaign management module enables creation and tracking of campaign with ad targets across platforms.

  • Multiplatform Campaign bookings
  • Managing Ad budgets
  • Bifurcation to Broadcast and Digital Media Ad bookings based on budgets
  • Integrated Ad Server for Seamless ad placements online
  • Targeted ad placements
  • Ad Statistics tracking
  • Central Data consolidation and Analytics
  • Reconciliation and Billing for Multiplatform campaign



Integrated Ad server manages online ad placements based on advertising preferences. Ad placements derived from Multiplatform campaign manager based on the preferences are rendered through the Ad server to the respective delivery platforms. Ad server delivers the Ad contents online to the users browser based on the rules applied in placement algorithms

  • Manage Ad placements – Web & Mobile
  • Manage Ad delivery
  • Display, Text Banner and Mobile Ads
  • Keyword Targeting
  • Category Targeting
  • Device Targeting
  • Geo Targeting
  • Prevent Policy Violations
  • Frequency capping
  • Record Impressions, Clicks
  • Provide Fraud prevention
  • Brand protection
  • Analytics for Advertiser and Publisher sites



Campaign Management and Order booking

GEN21 Multiplatform campaign management module helps manage Order booking for both

–   Broadcast spots
–   Online advertisements

Order Execution

GEN21 booking mechanism performs validations before the Ads are confirmed for Transmission. Order details for online advertisements are sent to Ad server system

  • Broadcast spots

–   placed in relevant segments
–   booking mechanism validates positioning of spots
–   on finalization, spots are sent in Transmission logs for airing

  • Online advertisements

–   Ad schedule with digital content shared to Ad server
–   Campaign created and scheduled for execution in Ad server
–   Generate ad placement statistics

Proof of Execution

Online ad executions are measured in terms of visible impressions.

A visible impression is counted when at least 50% of the ad is visible in the user’s viewport for one second or more. Ad visibility can be activated on a campaign at ad unit level and works immediately upon activation. Campaign proof is provided with following details:

  • Impressions
  • Clicks
  • CTR – Click Through Rate
  • ECPM – Effective Cost Per Mille(thousand impressions)


GEN21 Billing module empowers to generate invoices, log proof and tax invoices, receipts, credit notes etc. Billing system manages the workflow and maintains audit trail for Billing Operations.

  • Auto/manual generation of airtime/non-airtime invoices
  • Produces Invoice, Log Proof, Tax Invoice, Credit Notes
  • Localized Tax Invoice formats
  • Posting to Account Receivable system
  • Facility for Verification of Online Ad execution
  • Flexible Reconciliation from single point
  • Consolidated Billing for Ads booked on mixed media


For Publishers

  • Book Orders at Single point for Ad placements in Broadcast and Online media
  • Benefit of seamless integration for placements, execution, reconciliation and billing of multiplatform Ad bookings
  • Earn more from inventory by accurately pricing ads according to the value of your ad units.
  • Ad Visibility gives statistics that show exactly which ad units are the most effective, that enables identification premium inventory that can be sold for higher CPMs.

For Advertisers

  • Increased ROI by optimizing campaign’s performance according to the visibility rate of booked online ad units.
  • Ability to Compare campaign performance across different ad units, and different websites to make the most out of media spend.
  • Ability to make well-founded business decisions much faster with campaign analytics.
  • Online advertising provides
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